Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Let me introduce myself...

So for those of you who are following and emailing who are not my friends, 1st of all I want to say thank you for following…and thanks for your emails and tips. I want to introduce myself to those of you who I don’t know and tell you a little bit about who I am and why I started my company.

Who is Crystal and why would she start a company that runs someone’s errands and does someone else's grunt work?

Well, I am! I was born here in Washington State, down south a bit at Ft. Lewis Madigan Army Medical Center and I am an army brat in every sense of the word. =D

Why a personal assistance company?

Crystal Concierge was built on the platform “Because sometimes we all need a little help.” I am so deeply entrenched with this conviction that not only is it the foundation on which Crystal Concierge stands on, but it is also my company’s slogan.

As a child I thought my mom was a super-hero, I didn’t realize until much later how truly exhausting it is to be a single parent of three children. The one thing I did recognize while growing up was how grateful my mother was when her friends, family and even strangers pitched in to help, even if it was the smallest thing.

Years later, I too, experienced that overwhelming feeling of gratitude when my friends, family and fellow union brothers & sisters did things for me while I worked both 2nd and 3rd shifts.

Now as the Owner & CEO of Crystal Concierge it is my turn to extend a helping hand. With superior customer services, clockwork reliability and reasonable pricing let Crystal Concierge be the extra help you need; and with each 5th client Crystal Concierge provides services for we will donate services to those in our community who need it most.

Crystal Concierge donates time and services to the Susan G. Komen foundation, Girls Inc, local domestic violence shelters, Girl Scouts, Operation HomeFront and UNIFEM. The reason Crystal Concierge donates so much time to organizations revolving around girls and women is the thing about women is that we bear more weight on our shoulders than Atlas, and sometimes we get so weighed down we can not move.

When I learned that my thyroid was shot and I'd have to take medication for the rest of my life I ate a whole gallon of ice cream and sleep for two days, which pales in comparison to someone battling cancer or surviving domestic violence.

My BFF came to my house while I was sleeping, did the dishes, laundry, replenished my frig and left a vase of flowers. When I woke up to a clean house, clean undies, food and flowers her message was conveyed loud and clear...that I was not alone.

The card she left said only one word KOMA its a Japanese phrase that means "women helping women." And that's the foundation on which my company was built and why we donate so much time to organizations with the welfare of girls and women in mind.

Give us a call if you need a hand, we're here to help...Check us out at or feel free to give us a call 206-428-8125

I'm slammed this week, so Monday I plan to start posting great tips of the day. Also starting next week The206Concierge will be inviting guest, other small business owners who I think you'd like to meet...

Signing off for now, see you Monday and enjoy the rest of your week!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Some new idea's.

Hello all,
I know I haven't posted in awhile, I am in the middle of planning two weddings, a huge graduation party and a "small" private retirement party of only 600 guest. ;)

Those of you who have been following know my tips revolve around taking some things off the to-do-list to reduce personal stress and increase personal down time, so this was one of the things I have scaled back on.

However I have been kicking around some new idea about revamping my blog and one of them is to have other small companies post a guest post telling everyone who they are, what they do and how clients of Crystal Concierge can benefit from their services....Whatya think?

Enjoy the weekend, Happy Mothers Day and stay tuned.