Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Clearing Clutter

Find a local charity to donate items to prior to a clutter clearing session. Some charities may even be able to pick up your donations at a prearranged time, saving you a trip.

Label various storage containers before you begin to sort your clutter. A label makes placing items in the right category a much easier task.

Go through and grab obvious trash as the first step. Once the trash is gone, it makes it easier to see what you want to keep, and just how much stuff you’ll need to get rid of.

Monday, October 25, 2010

An easy and workable task list, or to do list

Microsoft Outlook Calendar, Droids, Blackberry's, iPhones, Text messaging, Facebook, Twitters, Web apps....Whoa!

With so different cool gadgets and a million different ways of doing things, you may end up spending much more time trying to program, organize, and/or consolidate your to-do-list on one or more of PDA's that you have that was meant to save you time in the 1st place, than actually getting things done.

The device that you should be using is the one that is the easiest for you to understand and program, if it takes more than a minute or two to retrive and update your to-do-list on your hand held, laptop, or desk top, or if you have to ask one of your kids to help you, you'll save more time using good old fashion pen and paper or sticky note.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Boys will be boys...bacon flavored beer

So I have been hired to plan my 2nd Mancation and on their "I'll-just-die-if-I-don't-get-it" wish list is bacon flavored beer. Does such a thing even exist? Sure does...courtesy of Seattle's very own Odin Brewing Company.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Restrucuring of Seattle Crystal Concierge.

It's been almost two years now and with the holiday season fast approaching it's time to start catering to the people I started my company for in the first place.

Small business owners, single parents, members of our armed forces, 2nd shifter & night crew workers, union members and people who are working two jobs.

Right now I am in the process of restructuring my prices and the way I offer services. For 8 hours a week of personal assistant (4 hr a day) costs only $144.00

Stopping by, feeding and walking your dog or feeding your cat and cleaning out the litter box while your on vacation (or even when your not) is $10.00 per visit.

For all of you who have helped me along the way, there are no words that I can think of or nothing that I can buy or give you that will adequately express my level of gratitude because there is no way I'd be here without you.