Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Establish routines...

If you set aside 15-30 minutes a day to set chores, then you don't ever have to worry about tackling all of your chores in a giant block of time.

Routines keep you from becoming overwhelmed.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Washing Dishes

Let the person who is in charge of washing the dishes get to pick out dessert. When you begin cooking, run a sink of hot soapy water, and wash as you go. Food on dishes won’t have a chance to harden, and you’ll be that much ahead when the meal is done.

Keep a supply of disposable plates, flatware, and cups. On nights when you’re overwhelmed by double-header Little League games on the same night as PTA, you won’t have to worry about dishes.

Washing dishes can be a great time to have a parent interview with a child you need to reconnect with. The job may not go more quickly, but you'll be accomplishing a lot more than clean dishes.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

One of my clients has a 6yr daughter and awhile back when she asked me to get her some juice I responded in an over dramatically display of disgust and said “I refuse to work under these hostile conditions, this is not a 3rd world country! I have rights, I’m calling my union rep.”

She got a big kick out of that and started requesting the most insane tasks so that I could repeat my theatrical performance (which was nothing less than Oscar worthy)

Hearing me respond to her "unreasonable" request this way for 3mths guess what she said today when her dad told her to go clean her room. She quoted me word for word =/

Speaking of kids here is the Tip of the Day:

Teach Your Child.

Teach your child how to prepare a drink mix, do laundry, empty the dishwasher and clean their room. An extra set of hands goes a long way...that is of course as long as your child does not threaten to call their union rep.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


When most people hear the word outsource, they imagine workers in remote parts of the world doing business tasks or research, but I’m talking about a more fundamental type of outsourcing: hiring people to do chores that you don’t want to do...hire people like me =D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adjust your standards.

Perfectionism is a major source of avoidable stress. Stop setting yourself up for failure by demanding perfection. Set reasonable standards for yourself and others, and learn to be okay with “good enough.”

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Looking for an eco friendly way to keep bugs out of your home?

Use Avon Skin so Soft!

Sponge it around doors, windows, and on screens to keep crawling bugs out, it smells good and is safe to use around small children and pets!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Paper Towels and Iron.

A paper towel and a hot iron will remove wax from your carpet. Heat the iron, lay the paper towel over the wax area and rub the iron over the paper towel.