Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Small Business Onwer Spotlight: Ariana Emery Burgess


Today we’re talking with Ariana Emery Burgess. Today we’re talking with Ariana Emery Burgess. She’s the Sr. Project Manager for Portent Interactive, Inc an internet marketing company and she also owns her own business as a Partylite representitive. Ariana currently lives in Seattle with her husband, and their three “furry” kids Pandora, Phoenix. & Kato

The206Concierge: Hi Ariana thank you so much for being here today and granting this interview! Tell us a litle about you pets and how they came to live with you?

Ariana Emery Burgess: Thank you Crystal! I have 2 cats and 2 dogs. My cats are getting older but still spunky from time to time. I have 2 shelties have so much personality, its really fun to see.

T2C: Are you a native to the Seattle area, or did you move here?

AEB: Native, born and raised in Bothell.

T2C: How would you describe yourself in three words?

AEB: Friendly, Caring and Loveable.

: I would agree! What ignited the spark in you to make you want to become a Partylite representitive and did you have to make any significant changes in an existing business or work routine?

AEB: I was a hostess for a few years and at the time I was looking for something else to do. I had a day job that I wasn’t totally happy with and needed an outlet. I was asked a couple times but now was the right time. So Feb 2004I started the business. I was just a hobby consultant until a couple years ago when I decided I wanted to make more money. So then I did have to change some things that I do and change my work routine. I will spend my lunch time to make calls or get out and meet new people. I built a team and continue to support their goals and build my business. I have a long way to go to reach my big goals but every little step gets me closer.

T2C: With so many Partylite representatives concentrated with the Seattle Metro and East-Side area’s how do you guys compete with each other?

AEB: We don’t “Compete” with each other. I still have at least 1 person at every show that has NEVER heard of Partylite. Partylite has a reputation of being a very ethical company and the consultants follow. We ALWAYS refer people back to their consultant if they have one. If they don’t, then I offer to be theirs and take care of their candle and home décor needs. Washington still has some growing to do with Partylite.

T2C: How many hours do you work a day on average?

AEB: I work no more than 1 hour a day on Partylite unless I am doing a party. Parties take an average of 3 hours, includes paperwork and entering orders before and after the date of the party. There are days I don’t do anything in Partylite.

T2C: How do you go about marketing your business? What has been your most successful form of marketing?

AEB: Word of mouth marketing is the best form that I’ve found. I’ve done advertising in publications and online but it hasn’t taken me anywhere. So it’s about meeting people in my everyday life that would like free home décor or candles and booking parties with them. Then if they like me they will refer me to their friends.

T2C: Everyone has heard the old saying that as far as marketing goes you have to continuously remember people about your product. How do you keep your message new and exciting without becoming pushy like a used salesman, or being removed from mailing list?

AEB: Luckily for me, I chose Partylite as my company because they come out with new products at minimum of 3 times a year which gives me something new to call people about and share with people.

T2C: Had you any sales or marketing experience prior to starting your own business?

AEB: I worked for a human resource training company and worked in the sales department. I also sold jewelry in a kiosk in the mall and worked at Barnes & Nobel. But no real sales training. I also don’t feel like I have to sell Partylite. The product speaks for itself.

T2C: How can Partylite products benefit clients of Seattle Crystal Concierges?

AEB: Partylite can be new decorations for your whole house, gifts for loved ones, supply for your candles or the chance to get your friends together. I think your clients can benefit because you don’t have to go to the mall for platinum quality home décor or candles. Plus they can get their supply for free by hosting a candle party with just a few girl friends. Or if they just need a gift sent to a friend, they can shop directly on my website 24/7 and have it directly shipped!

T2C: What is the flagship product for Partylite?

AEB: Our candles are what everyone comes back for. Once you go Partylite you won’t go back!

T2C: What is the highest selling product of Partylite, and why do you think it’s such a hot commodity?

AEB: Our best seller is our votives. I’d say our top selling accessories would be anything in our Infinite Reflections or Global Fusion collections.

T2C: Which Partylite candle and or scent is your favorite and why?

AEB: My favorite candle is the jar candle, no need for a holder and they clean up so easy once you are done so you can recycle in the bin or by using it again. My favorite scent is Fig Fatale this season!

T2C: Ooooooo! I want one! Can you tell us a little about the newest products and specials that Partylite has or is coming up?

AEB: I LOVE that the 2011 Catalog is ALL about more candle options! We have increased the types of candles and variety of scent options for those that don’t want to have a fire. It’s back to basics so people can get their candles without increasing their ‘stuff’.

T2C: What is your favorite aspect of working for Partylite?

AEB: I love having my own business with a company that is as amazing as Partylite! They support us with SO much, marketing materials, training, support, DSA ethics, and the consultants in our business are SO great too

T2C: Excluding yours, what company, or business do you admire the most?

AEB: While it’s not a ‘business’ I really admire the Direct Selling Association. Partylite is proud to be on their board and the #1 Candle Company in the DSA. They are there to help people like me and make sure we have rights and the companies in the DSA are ethical and do the right things.

T2C: Ok, Ariana I just have one more question for ya, if you were conducting this interview, what question would you ask?

AEB: Hmm….good question :D. I’d say “What makes Partylite so Different” (if this isn’t what you were looking for, let me know)

T2C: LOL, nope that was perfect. Thanks again so much for your time!

A little preventive maintenance goes a long way.

Clean drains with baking soda, vinegar and hot water, this can be a great help to freshen and unclog drains. It only takes a moment to prevent major headaches.
Use baking soda that has been used in the refrigerator or freezer to help clean the drains and you'll extend the use of something you otherwise would have just thrown away.

Option #1
Pour 1 cup of baking soda down the drain followed by 1 cup of hot vinegar. Try heating the vinegar in the microwave before adding it to the drain. Wait 5 minutes before flushing the drain with 2 quarts of hot water. You can repeat this process a few times if it is necessary. If this is the first time you have cleaned your drain in a long time it may be necessary to repeat the baking soda flush a couple of times.

Option #2
Try pouring 1 Cup of baking soda and 1/2 Cup of salt down the drain. Let this mixture sit in the drain for several hours, overnight is best, before flushing the drain with 2 cups of boiling water.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Learn to just say no.

If you are feeling tired or overstretched, learn to say no to additional tasks or requests.